Geza Keller
By Geza Keller
and Jerry McCann
This song came out of the same prolific songwriting period of 2011, when Geza's personal life was in transition.
It was inspired by an experience in which he was told that an important decision he'd made had come too late. He should have made a decision 30 days earlier, a deadline that not only seemed random, but also came as a complete surprise.
Didn’t know there was a deadline
Didn’t ask for 30 more days
All I know is loves on hold
On that day you walked away
Didn’t know there was a deadline
Didn’t ask for 30 more days
All I know is loves on hold
When there was so much left to say
I have loved you more than you will ever know
But then you’d say that you love me more
Stand in an emotional breadline
Searching for some love to survive
All I know, is when love goes cold
There's nothing left to keep us alive
Just remember what I was going through
And I know there’s nothing I could ever do
To make up for the way that I was hurting you
I’ll be living with what I know you’ve got to do
Reading between the headlines, There's always more than meets the eye.
the truth is a plain as the nose on your face
And nothing can replace the lie
I know you love me and will forever more
I’m still chasing your rainbow out the door
We went looking beyond the questions
And found there's nothing left to hide.
If we can see beyond the answer
There's a chance that our love can survive.
Didn’t know there was a deadline, Didn’t ask for 30 more days
All I know is love's on hold
On that day you walked away
Video production is underway. Stay tuned!